Be Your Best Therapy Services
Whatever you or your loved one's situation is, I am here to help! I can provide recreational therapy, wellness, and physical education services that complement similar services you may or may not be receiving in the community. Are you are seeking an alternative to traditional health care or public education services? Are you a parent trying to home school your family and could use the energy, skills, and enthusiasm of a leisure specialist who can organize physical education that accommodates your busy schedule, give your kids an outlet to expend their energy, and maintains emotional and physical safety? Do you need the perspective of another health care professional who can echo what your counselor or provider are encouraging you to do while also providing fresh insights, strategies, and motivation that can aid you in your recovery? If your response is yes to any of these questions, then I am just a phone a call away.

Why Consider Be Your Best Therapy Services?
I intend to provide these services in fresh and innovative ways that the traditional health care and education systems are in need of, while also maintaining the same compassionate and dedicated care that people and families need and expect.
- Simple and Convenient
- You receive the services in the local community at the places you want to receive them. I go to you or you come to me. They can be in person, in your home, over zoom, at my business office, or in the local community (public parks, public library, public trails, etc).
- You pay for your services in the form you want; online debit, credit, cash, or check.
- No insurance programs currently cover my services.
- You may be able to use ESA funding for some of my services, including recreational therapy (ESA approval verified) and physical education (ESA approval verified).
- In order to provide our services in a more accessible and convenient manner we are offering free transportation to our P.E. classes as available.
- Compassionate and Personal
- I strive to meet my clients where they are in their recovery and help them progress; I will commend them for their best efforts, acknowledge areas of improvement, invite them to make steps forward, and refrain from pushing or pulling them too far outside their comfort zone.
- Those who receive services from me will receive services crafted according to their needs and interests and within my professional expertise.
- If anyone has certain requests regarding group activities, demographics, times of service, or other accommodations, then I will endeavor to meet those requests as much as possible.
- Value for Your Needs and Resources
- With my services you get what you pay for. I work for you. If I am working with one adult client, then it is my standard hourly price. If I am working with 4 clients from 4 different families, each family would be paying a fourth of my hourly price, all the while reflecting the same standards of care.

Who am I?
I, Jordan Gillette, am a recreational therapy provider offering a wide range of therapeutic and educational services in Sahuarita, Green Valley, and neighboring communities. I believe in everyone's ability to be better and create a life that brings them joy. I know that I have been able to help others do that as a recreational therapist, and I hope to be able to continue to do so for a long time coming! I have been privileged to offer therapeutic interventions and activities for more than 8 years in long-term and short-term behavioral health hospitals. During this tenure I have been supported by a tremendous group of professional mentors who have helped increase my understanding, knowledge, skills, and talents. Most importantly, I have been blessed with many opportunities to serve and learn from children, adolescents, and adults with complex health challenges, some of which have included a combination of mental health, physical health, and developmental health challenges. In these environments I have led and supervised more than ten thousand recreational therapy groups, many of which have included exercise groups. I have seen the value of these services I have provided and the difference I have made in others' lives through this work. Those were wonderful experiences. Furthermore, I am grateful that I have the opportunity step outside of the traditional landscape and offer recreational therapy and similar services to people in Sahuarita, Green Valley, and other communities. Combining my professional knowledge, skills, and the attributes I possess, I will endeavor to make a difference for you and those you love wherever you may need my services; home, school, at the park, or my office. Thank you for considering what I have to offer!
Contact us
I look forward to speaking with you about any of my services. You may contact me in the following ways:
- Call or text: (575) 263-2500 from 7 am to 2:30 pm M-Saturday. If I am in a session I will contact you as soon as I am available.
- Email:
- In person: I sublease an office as needed at 560 Continental Rd Suite #106 C Green Valley, AZ 85614, currently I am rarely there.
- Se habla español para aquellos que se necesiten. Ofrecemos servicios en español también.